Après plusieurs jours passés dans ma province natale, la Bretagne, de nombreux sujets me semblent mériter une note: la sécheresse et la gestion de l'eau; la crise pétrolière; le "patriotisme économique" de M. de Villepin; etc.
D'ailleurs, en me promenant dans les campagnes ou au bord de la mer, je trouvais pour tous ces sujets des illustrations concrètes: les champs de maïs désséchés et des golfs pourtant verts; des réactions effarées de conducteurs devant les prix de l'essence et des actionnaires de Total ravis; des textiles "made in China" sur tous les marchés et des buveurs de pastis...
J'y consacrerai plusieurs notes à partir de vendredi prochain...
Monsieur Chauvin, de retour des terres sauvages, pret pour une nouvelle année de cours!
Je retiens de votre court apologue anti gouvernemental que le pastis s'est repandu en Bretagne... Quelle honte... Ou sont donc passés le Chouchen et la biere d'abbaye a 11 degres? Le monde est sens dessus dessous...
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Rédigé par : my favorite shop | 01 mars 2007 à 06:44
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Rédigé par : interesting site | 01 mars 2007 à 08:38
I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen. Oh well. I haven't been up to anything recently. Pretty much nothing exciting happening lately, but I guess it doesn't bother me.
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I can't be bothered with anything. It's not important. I haven't gotten much done lately. I just don't have much to say , but what can I say? Today was a total loss.
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Pretty much not much going on worth mentioning. I can't be bothered with anything recently. Maybe tomorrow. That's how it is.
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Nothing seems important. I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. What can I say? It's not important. I guess it doesn't bother me. My life's been basically dull.
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I've more or less been doing nothing to speak of. I've just been hanging out waiting for something to happen, but it's not important. Whatever
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My life's been generally bland. I've just been letting everything happen without me. I don't care. I've just been sitting around doing nothing, but eh.
Rédigé par : many reviews | 04 mars 2007 à 05:03
I read this as kind of boilerplate "Americans are dumb" Euro-speak.
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